June 15, 2024

1 gen 1283 anni - Grand Duchy of Moscow


Since the Mongol invasion of the Kievan Rus', the multiple states that made up the nation were still allowed to go about their business, whilst having to now pay a monetary tribute to their Mongol overseers, the Golden Horde. Older cities, such as Kiev, declined rapidly however as many people migrated northeast to get away from the early Mongol massacres. This meant that newer cities flourished in an attempt to gain dominance over the others; the city that triumphed, in the end, was known as Moscow. The Mongols chose the princes of Moscow to collect the tributes from the other city-states boosting the economy there as the rulers kept some of the money for themselves.

Over time Moscow grew in power, eventually advancing from a city status to more of a state which was established in 1283, as the Duchy of Moscow. From this point on the princes that ruled the state slowly consolidated power, expanding their borders and buying other principalities, all whilst still under the rule of the Golden Horde.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


1 gen 1283 anni
~ 741 years ago

