June 15, 2024

26 lugl 1817 anni - Ottoman Empire Begins to Decline


Since the peak of it's territorial expansion in the 1680s, the Ottoman Empire had suffered many attacks and losses from battles with European nations. Countries including Austria, Hungary, and especially the expanding Russian Empire had managed to take portions of land away from the Ottomans in a succeeding series of wars.

At the beginning of the 19th Century revolts within the empire itself began to rise, and one particular people known as the Serbs led a successful revolution in the Balkan peninsular. By 1817, the independent state of Serbia had been established which signalled the beginning of the Ottoman decline.

The next nation to rise up against the Muslim powers was that of Greece. In March 1821 the Greeks declared war on the Ottoman Turks which began a wave of revolutions across the country. As more rebellions began to spring up throughout the empire over the next few decades, the Ottomans fast became a declining dynasty, often being referred to as the "sick man" by Europeans.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


26 lugl 1817 anni
~ 206 years ago