June 15, 2024

31 mar 1513 año aC - Israelites Leave Egypt


By the mid-1500s BCE, the Israelite population in Egypt had grown significantly. Due to new rulership in Egypt, however, these Israelites had been put to slavery by the government. The Pharaoh, noticing the boom in population, then ordered the killing of all male infants among the Israelites in the year 1593 BCE.

One particular family hid their newborn boy among the reeds of the Nile river so as to avoid death. It was there that he was discovered by Pharaoh's daughter and adopted as her son. As circumstances happened, this boy named Moses, came to be nursed and trained by his own mother who had been employed by the daughter of Pharaoh. Growing up, he was aware of his Israelite origin, and after forty years of seeing their mistreatment, he killed an Egyptian who was beating an Israelite slave. This event caused Moses to run away from Egypt, and he eventually came to a place called Midian, in the northwest of the Arabian Peninsula.

It was in Midian where Moses settled down, married, and had children. Moses worked as a shepherd for another forty years before being contacted by an angelic representative of Jehovah God. God told Moses to travel back to Egypt and free the three million Israelite slaves. Moses did indeed travel back to Egypt, and after being reunited with his relatives there, went to speak to the Pharaoh with his brother Aaron.

Moses' request to free the Israelites was denied by the Egyptian ruler, so God used Moses to cause the Nile river to turn into literal blood. A second request was denied and a second plague came upon Egypt. This occurred for another eight times and another eight plagues before the tenth and final one resulted in the death of the Pharaoh's firstborn son, and so he conceded to the Israelite's release.

So it was, that in the year 1513 BCE, Moses led the entire nation of Israel up out of Egypt and came to the shores of the Red Sea. It was at this point that Pharaoh changed his mind, and went out with his military force to capture the Israelites back. God delivered his chosen people, however, by using Moses to part the waters of the Red Sea and let the nation walk through to the other side. The waters then came back together, drowning the entire Egyptian army. The Israelite nation then began their long journey through the Sinai Peninsula as the story of their exodus spread throughout the Middle East.

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31 mar 1513 año aC
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~ 3540 years ago