June 15, 2024

20 déc. 1990 - World Wide Web


Since its creation, the Internet had been developed further over the years, and by the late 1980s, the network was used by many people in both North America and Europe. Although you could send information from one computer to another, such as email and pictures, a lot of the information "online" was text-based and required a user to search through different drivers for files.

Eventually, in 1989, a British engineer working in Switzerland, named Tim Berners-Lee, became frustrated with the inefficient and difficult ways of finding information stored on computers. He subsequently began to create a computer program that managed information in a clear and simple display for the user. One way he managed to do this was by creating a "web" of links to different pages that could be accessed by clicking on pieces of text.

Berners-Lee continued to work on this project with a colleague named Robert Cailliau, until finally by December 1990, they had created something they called the "World Wide Web". This World Wide Web was essentially a big web of linked pages that each had its own Internet address. Many web pages could be located under the same address and this was called a "website". The first website was published on 20th December 1990.

From this moment on, the World Wide Web greatly changed the way most people used the Internet, as Tim Berners-Lee ultimately decided that his creation should be open and free to everyone. Thus, from 1990 onwards, the World Wide Web would continue to grow with hundreds of thousands of websites being added over time. Individuals around the world would soon connect with each other by sharing their thoughts, ideas, and interests on things such as chat forums and blogs. Many companies would begin to promote their businesses using websites, and the Web would give rise to new juggernauts like Google, Amazon, and Netflix, all providing Internet-based services.

In the end, the World Wide Web would become the largest database of information ever to exist and quickly developed into a First World necessity.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

il y a 11 mois


20 déc. 1990
~ Il y a 33 ans

Les images: