June 15, 2024

11 сент 2001 г. - 9/11 Attacks


In the Middle-East, a rich Sunni Muslim man named Osama bin Laden had become the leader of the military organization al-Qaeda - a group that bin Laden helped create while fighting in the Soviet-Afghan War. Throughout the 1990s, Bin Laden had become more and more resentful of the United States because he felt they were interfering too much in the affairs of Muslim countries, especially his homeland of Saudi Arabia. Eventually, after being expelled from his country by the Saudi government, bin Laden began to organize attacks throughout the Middle East in opposition to America and its allies. By the end of the decade, bin Laden had made the decision to finally attack the US government in America itself.

On the 11th September 2001, members of al-Qaeda hijacked four different passenger jets in the north-eastern United States. Two of the planes headed to New York City where they were subsequently flown by the hijackers straight into the North Tower and South Tower of the World Trade Centre. The third plane was taken to the state of Virginia where it was purposely crashed into the US Department of Defence headquarters, known as "the Pentagon". Passengers aboard the fourth plane managed to subdue the hijackers en route to its target but resulted in the plane crashing into the ground in Pennsylvania killing everyone on board. Within two hours, both of the 110-story buildings in New York, known as the "Twin Towers", collapsed on themselves, which killed 2,763 people, and sent fire and debris throughout the surrounding areas.

These four coordinated attacks became the single deadliest terrorist incident in human history, with a total death count of 2,996, and an injured count of over 25,000. Over the following years, the attacks went on to have a profound effect across the globe, but especially in the United States, where security was heightened immensely nationwide, and a general sense of anxiety and paranoia would continue to remain. Elsewhere in the world, many nations commemorated the incident in various ways and eventually, governments passed a number of anti-terrorism acts, including changing laws and heightening security in places like airports, stations, and other public buildings. The attacks were quickly referred to as "9/11" by the media, and remains a defining event in American history, with the country still being in a state of national emergency to this day.

Добавлено на ленту времени:

11 мес назад


11 сент 2001 г.
~ 22 г назад
