June 15, 2024

31 окт 1517 г. - Protestant Reformation


By the 16th Century the production of books and Bibles for the masses resulted in many discovering religious ideas for themselves. Eventually, this caused a German man by the name of Martin Luther to write a paper known as the Ninety-Five Thesis in October 1517. There he listed 95 reasons why the Roman Catholic Church were using their power for their own indulgences rather than following what the Bible taught. This paper and its ideas quickly spread across Europe causing major religious movements throughout the continent. Although the concept of using the Bible as the most important source of spirituality rather than the Catholic Church was not new at the time, the advent of the printing press meant now these ideas reached a wider audience causing many break-away movements from the Church.

Historians refer to this time as the start of the Protestant Reformation. Although Luther's paper did not directly cause every church to separate themselves and form new branches of Christianity, it did seem to signal the beginning of almost the whole of Europe establishing their own Christian faiths. Luther's ideas quickly evolved into Protestantism, and other figures rose up such as John Calvin, a French pastor who forwarded his own ideas on why the Catholics were wrong, sparking Calvinism-based churches to rise throughout Europe. Eventually, this religious reformation would even contribute towards King Henry VIII removing the Church of England from the power of Rome and establishing a new Anglican Church in 1534.

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31 окт 1517 г.
~ 506 г назад
