June 15, 2024

10 h, oct 20, 1965 y - Ireta Formally Joins Oipienta Again


The Republic of Ireta was readmitted back into Oipienta due to it being separated from the republic according to the Treaty of Arkek. Ireta was, after the 5th Hells War, to become a Haddakuist nation and it was organized into the Iretan People's Republic (IPR|IGM). However, in 1961, The Iretan Coup occurred when an Iretan fascist group, the Sons of the Black Star, overthrew the Iretan haddakusit regime and replace it with another facist one. They installed the former Governor of the Oipientian Iretan state, Governor Yasĩc Èlvumav, as the Ṡivgalè of Ireta. Èlvumav submitted a request to join Oipienta and a rigged referendum was held on July 1962 but it was not reviewed by the Oipientian Senate until after the War of the Black and Red.
While Tasak had desired to regain the Iretan territory, he had wanted to deal with regaining the territories of the Myosan provinces, Velzenia, New Utikia, and Sestos before Ireta. He valued the restoration of the Oipientian Republic previous to the 5th Hells War and pushed that as his primary focus. However, his dream to restore the former territories of the republic would require bloodshed so the Senate of the Republic focused on politically regaining Ireta.

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24 days ago


10 h, oct 20, 1965 y
~ 58 years ago