June 15, 2024

jan 7, 2018 - Vo-Perium concludes


Although VoCo and The Emperium aren't necessarily the closest of allies, they've grown closer than before, even sharing a few bases together. The negative history for the most part has been forgotten, and a future of cooperation seems to be in the making.

After about 3 weeks of some conflict and mainly inactivity, the groups involved eventually decided to end the conflict on January 11th, 2018, and began to move to more positive relations. This peace agreement was made during a conversation between Coltsnid and TheDark_Emporer, when Emperor proposed the idea of peace and Coltsnid agreed.

Infrared was the only exception, as they continued to have animosity with the Emperium and now VoCo as well; due to a Joint Communications Discord created between VoCo and Emperium to ease tensions and bring the groups closer together. The two groups now have forgotten the past and have been striding towards an alliance.

Now, ironically, during VoCo Phase IV, VoCo is working with Emperium to fight Infrared, after Retronautx attacked a VoCo base and made Coltsnid log, starting the VoPerium vs Infrared war.

Added to timeline:

3 months ago


jan 7, 2018
~ 6 years and 4 months ago