June 15, 2024

The Fourth Hells War (apr 18, 1912 – 10h 10min, dec 8, 1921 y)


(The Great Regal War) The war began when the Velzen Empire invaded Xeeri. Oipienta and Grossya joined the war on Xeeri's side and invaded Velzen

Velzenia, Lower Oipienta, Flogle vs Grossya, Xeeri, Oipienta, Nuomdeim, Liopo, Pilatsigla, Iti

Since Xeeri was not a strong threat, Velzenia, who wished to gain more workers due to their recent loss of slaves in the War For Freedom, sought to annex them. However, Oipienta was allied to Xeeri and joined in the war effort. Grossya, who was a part of the Southern Military Pact, came to Xeeri's aid and also attacked Velzenia. When Velzenia declared war against Oipienta, Liopo, also allied to Oipienta, declared war back to Velzenia. Pilatsigla was forced to join the allied side due to being invaded by Velzenia. Flogle, joined Velzenia in spite of the allied response and invaded Iti, which brought them into the war on the allied side.
The 4th Hells War was devastating for Southern Yueroki, mostly for Lower Oipienta, Xeeri, and Velzenia. Large portions of farms were obliterated and many soldiers (potential workers) were killed, bringing the economic state of Velzenia into much faster collapse.

Added to timeline:

24 days ago


apr 18, 1912
10h 10min, dec 8, 1921 y
~ 9 years and 7 months